5 Ways to Tame Your Ego at Work

Every person has an “ego”, which helps them build a unique identity and boost their self-confidence. However, there are times when our “ego” tends to become excessive and cause problems, especially when collaborating with others and making judgments. At the workplace, having a unique perspective and showing your personality is okay. However, it would be…

3 Tips For Preparing For Evaluations At Work

For almost all professions, it’s important that regular evaluations take place. Without them, things that might not be going as they should be can be left to fester longer than is needed, causing all sorts of damage. But with regular evaluations done by supervisors and superiors, everyone can ensure that they’re doing their work as…

3 Ways to Avoid Dissatisfied Customers

Customer satisfaction should be the most important thing for your business. Happy customers will not only encourage repeat business, but they also spread positive word of mouth about you. After all, in the world of business, there’s nothing more powerful than a direct referral, so the more happy customers you have sharing their experience they…

Human Qualities that Technology Cannot Replace

In recent months, artificial intelligence’s growth and slow adaptation have made many apprehensive about its effects on human life. Some believe it will make things easier for humans as it can take over time-intensive tasks. But others believe it will take over their jobs and eventually cause them to need help finding new jobs. While…